Carol Stambaugh

No dreamer is ever too small;
no dream is ever too big

Business Owner


About me

Carpe Diem, Sieze the Day

-As quoted by the late Robin Williams in “Dead Poets Society”

Carol has been creating WordPress websites for 15 years. She is currently co-owner of RadiateU. Her work also extends to the nonprofit sector with experience in executive roles. She is passionate about the WordPress open-source project and has volunteered with the WordPress community for over 13 years. She has served on the WordCamp Phoenix organizing team every year since 2012 and is the lead organizer of the Arizona WordPress meetup group planning events and helping teach WordPress to the public.

Carol has been recognized throughout her career as President of AzSAE, awarded Association Executive of the Year by AzSAE, and featured in the documentary about the WordPress Open Source project.