What awareness level are they?Solution aware
They are a high achiever and are dedicated to the mission of their organization. They do not like to waste time and they see the need to spend money on certain things in order to move their vision forward. They recognize the dangers of getting caught down in the weeds.
Wealth status is climbing. They are in their earlier stages of their business so they are not wealthy, but they are comfortably paying the bills.
Family, relaxation, vacations. Value time away from the business.
They work hard while they are working, but they are not too intense. They recognize the need for days off and the need to unplug. Which is why they want someone handling their site.
Problem Identification
They have just now come to understand some new privacy laws that have large implications for their business and so they are searching for the best way to handle this new challenge.This is just one more thing that is annoying about having to deal with their website.
Searching for attorneys. Googling about the new laws. Asking friends and other small business owners and nonprofit execs.
Their Solution Understanding:
What are the top 5 things they THINK are the answer to the problem?
Looking to hiire an attorney
Find a template and just copy the template
Ignore it and hope it doesn't hurt them.
Postpone doing anything and hoping that it will go away.
Looking for someone to tell them what to do.
Your Solution Reframing
What are the top 5 things that ARE the answer to the
Setting up their customized Policy service for them.
Installing the policy template and keeping it updated.
Managing their ongoing site.
Take me to your leaders:
Who are their industry leaders?
Seth Godin
Simon Sinek
Tim Ferris
Pat Flynn
WordPress leaders
Other business owners and non-profit execs that they know. ASU Lodestar center. Trade and industry associations.
People they feel are further along in their industry and they wish they could have the freedom that those people do.
Experience and Expectations
We need to take over their website and handle all of the information that they have for their website for them. We should organize their data into a nice form document that we can share with them securely so that they know where their DNS, registrar, etc. is. This can be nicely formatted and is a product of our service. We will migrate the site for them and then install the privacy policy on their site for them.
The will no longer worry about changing or updating their site. They will not wonder if their site is up and performing. They will be able to know monthly how any visits came to the site.
The migraton goes poorly and the site gets worse.
The site is the same
They lose access to critical pieces of the site that they need.
They take more vacations. They have the security in knowing they are compliant with the new guidelines and they someone else that can and will worry about their website for them.
Smart passive income blog, seth Godin's blog, simon sinek blog, guidestar for nonprofits. ASU lodestar enter, NTEN, Board Source
Professors from ASU, Nonprofit leaders and influencers like Mark Pittman, Beth Kanter. ASU lodestar enter, NTEN, Board Source
Internet, online newsletters.
Don Pallotta
Beth Kanter
Mrk Pittman
Tim Ferris
Seth Godin
Pat Flynn
EOS Worldwide